Defending yourself against violent assault in a Non-Permissive Environment. There are two kind of handguns that we can use for self-defense – Going to Trouble guns, and Getting Out of Trouble guns. While we would all prefer to carry full size duty guns with multiple spare magazines (Going to Trouble guns) as our EDC set […]
Level 1 & 2 can be attended / completed individually. Pistol LVL 1 ( -> register on the BAER Solutions website <- ) This is a level 1 pistol course that will stress fundamentals, and most importantly providing the "how" and the "why" in addition to what you are trying to accomplish throughout the training […]
Description: Handgun Fundamentals are CRUCIAL! When implemented correctly, you can properly deploy your handgun when needed. We cover all the fundamentals and tailor the delivery method in a way where every student will improve on each of them. Class Instruction Includes: Stance Grip Draw Sight alignment/Sight picture Trigger control/Trigger Discipline Follow through Reloading: Speed […]
A momentous training event unlike any other... this event will be 2 full days of force on force (FoF) training from some of the worlds most respected instructors in their disciplines. After seeing so many serious shooters, who enjoyed and were passionate about training, but had never had the opportunity to participate in any force […]